SABC Editorial Policy

In terms of Section 6 of the Broadcasting Act 4 of 1999 (the Act), the SABC is required to develop policies that are intended to ensure compliance with the Authority’s Code of Conduct, the Corporation’s licence conditions, and the provisions of the Act.

The SABC’s Editorial Policies (the policies), covering news and editorial content, programming and publishing content, local content, educational content, universal service and access, language, and religious content, are to be submitted to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) for compliance.

Regulatory Instruments governing the SABC Editorial Policies:


Contact Information:


SABC – POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X1, Auckland Park, JOHANNESBURG, 2006

FAX NUMBER: 011 714 4508


GENERAL ENQUIRIES: The call centre will handle all general enquiries. Tel: 011 714 3927